Former Maryland Democratic Party Chair and Congressional Candidate Maya Rockeymoore Cummings lit up Twitter earlier this week when commenting on the decisions of various social media sites to turn off Kanye West’s accounts (deplatform as the kids say) in response to his directing death threats at the Jewish community:

Many replies found this dog whistling or overt anti-Semitism:

Ross Seidman is Senior Advisor to Senate President Bill Ferguson.

Jake Weissman is the Assistant Chief Administrative Officer of Montgomery County—this is his personal account..
Numerous others replied with overt anti-Semitism:

Seidman, who had a polite exchange with Rockeymoore Cummings, asked:

Reading it in a very kind light, Rockeymoore Cummings is trying to call out as unfair that West was kicked off after these comments but not after numerous other anti-Black or anti-Black women comments. As one commenter explained:

Another commenter expressed in an anti-Semitic way a much harsher form of the same grievance:

Others had different takes on why West was finally cut off this time and not previously for the sorts of incendiary comments referenced by Rockeymoore Cummings:

Here’s the view of one commenter who tried to turn a sour debate into something more positive:

My take?
I’m offended. The form of the Tweet invites all the negative tropes about Jews controlling the media and the world. It made people feel freer to embrace and to express open anti-Semitism.
Rockeymoore Cummings is an experienced political leader. As former state party chair, I’d hope she be more focused on bringing people together. Everyone deserves respect, which I’d like to think is at the heart of what she was trying to say.
But she said it very badly.