Thanks, Adam

Thanksgiving seems a perfect time to say thanks to Adam Pagnucco. For many years, Adam wrote many wonderful posts for Seventh State and its predecessor, Maryland Politics Watch. Combining his penchant for bringing hidden information to light with his wicked sense of humor and insightful analysis, Adam kept everyone jumping and uncovered many stories before the local news media.

Adam has now moved his writings over to Bethesda Beat, an invaluable online news source for all things Montgomery County. He’s already doing an excellent job of ruffling feathers over there, most recently with his column asking if Montgomery is becoming a second-class county.

I’m incredible grateful for all that Adam has contributed to Seventh State over the years from his smart private insights to his great blog posts. I’m even more thankful for his generous friendship, which I know will continue no matter where he hangs his hat.

Happy Thanksgiving to Adam and to all of Seventh State’s dedicated readership.
