Category Archives: Annapolis

Immigrant Dem Elected Mayor of Annapolis, Defeating GOP Incumbent

In what sounds like a nightmare for the Trump crowd, one-term Annapolis Mayor Mike Pantelides (R), got beat by Gavin Buckley (D), an Australian immigrant. Buckley is a first-time officeholder. Just under 35% of Annapolitans turned out to vote in the hotly contested race.

The Board of Aldermen will continue to have seven Democratic and one Republican. Incumbent Alderman Frederick Paone (R) held on by just 18 votes against Kurt Riegel (D). In Ward 8, Incumbent Ross Arnett (D) held off a strong Republican challenge by 54 votes.

Here are the results.

Votes Percent
Mike Pantelides R (i) 3354 38
Gavin Buckley D 5439 62
Board of Aldermen
Ward 1
Larry Claussen R 594 35
Eleanor Tierney D 1028 61
Ward 2
Frederick Paone R (i) 780 51
Kurt Riegel D 762 49
Ward 3
Rhonda Charles D (i) 648 97
Ward 4
Sheila Finlayson D (i) 380 72
Write-In WI 148 28
Ward 5
James Appel R 389 39
Marc Rodriguez D 610 61
Ward 6
Shaneka Henson D 426 95
Ward 7
David Frankel R 339 36
Rob Savidge D 592 63
Ward 8
Julie Mussog R 792 48
Ross Arnett D (i) 846 52



Annapolis Top Five Young Guns

Part II in this continuing series of up and comers under 30 around the State.

1. Jake Weissmann. Don’t let Jake’s goofy style fool you: he has been the brains behind Mike Miller’s formable political operation for years. This cycle, he faces the greatest challenge of his career–guiding the Senate Caucus through what’s shaping up to be a 2010 style red wave nationally. Once he finishes law school, I wouldn’t be surprised to see him as one of the top earning lobbyists in the state.

2. Sarah Elfreth is Government Affairs Director for the National Aquarium. The smartest, wittiest lobbyist walking the halls of the Lowe House Office Building, she is also one of the youngest young guns on these lists. Whether she remains behind the scenes or runs for office in the future–a distinct possibility–one thing is for sure: you’ll be sure to hear the name Sarah Elfreth for decades to come:

Anonymous: “Sarah Elfreth, a resident of Annapolis MD, is a true leader and an extraordinary example of a young woman who is both influential and impactful before State and local government.”

3. Cailey Locklair is the Deputy Director of the Baltimore Jewish Council. The following nomination is perhaps the highest praise any lobbyist could receive:

Anonymous: “One of the most persuasive people I’ve ever had a drink with in Annapolis. Completely dedicated to her client.”

4. Geoff Burgan. This guy is sharp and has fantastic people skills. Currently in O’Malley’s comms shop, I wouldn’t be surprised to  see Geoff as a key player in the Brown Administration or on a nascent O’Malley’s presidential campaign.

5. Andrew Friedson. Excepting his longtime handler Len Foxwell, no one is closer to Peter Franchot than Andrew Friedson. He currently serves as Communications Director in the Comptroller’s Office, where he was previously Deputy Chief of Staff. He managed Franchot’s reelection campaign in 2010.

Anonymous: “another no-brainer nominee.”
