Category Archives: Seventh State

Apology for Technical Problem

Dear Readers:

Today, I have been working to fix a problem with the automatic posting of blog posts to Seventh State’s Facebook and Twitter feeds. Somehow, this resulted in bombarding your email inboxes with lots of old posts if you’re signed up to receive them.

My apologies for the annoying intrusion. I hope it will stop soon.



I’m Supporting Van Hollen for Senate

Dear Readers:

Yesterday, someone emailed me and asked if I’d be willing to lend my name to Rep. Chris Van Hollen’s U.S. Senate campaign. If you read my evaluation of Chris, you won’t be surprised that I replied yes. He has been my representative for many years and I have had the opportunity to see him and his office up close and afar for some time. While the field is still shaking out, I am not just comfortable but excited to support Chris Van Hollen for Senate.

That doesn’t mean that there aren’t other good candidates out there and I imagine many of you, in both parties, will be supporting someone else. That’s what makes democracy great. Seventh State will still cover the Senate race and I plan to call them as I see them. I have not shied away from writing about problems in other campaigns that I support and I won’t pretend that someone is winning when they’re losing.

At the same time, I thought you should know. Thanks for reading.



Light Blogging

I’m leaving for Germany tonight to travel around for a week explaining the outcome and the implications of the midterm U.S. elections, so blogging may be lighter than usual. And, who knows, maybe I’ll write a little bit about Germany too.



Both John and I will be out of town for much of June. I’ll be overseas for much of this month and unreachable by phone, so if you have my cell number, please don’t use it. If you need to reach me, the best place is my email at lublin.david at As there will be a time difference and I’ll be on the go, please understand if replies are significantly delayed.


Seventh State Stats

Wow. You’ve really been reading. Since the reboot of Maryland Politics Watch as Seventh State in February, readership has increased dramatically.

When I started Maryland Politics Watch, I got really excited when daily unique hits reached over 300. This past week, that number jumped well over 1000 for the first time since the relaunch. And that excludes the 130 of you who have signed up to receive every post via email not to mention followers on Facebook and Twitter.

Thanks to those who have shared news, information, stories, and given helpful feedback on posts. I learn a lot by doing this blog and appreciate these interactions.

I’ll keep doing my best to provide opinion, news, and analysis. You can keep following 7S here and also follow on Twitter @theseventhstate or on our Facebook page–besides reading, it’s one of the best ways you can say thanks to us. Just click the floating buttons on the lower right to follow or to like.

Thanks for reading.
